Edit 515 software is used exclusively in this annual, international business competition which now includes thirty countries, from every continent.
Our partners in Portugal, SDG, organise this event
on a knock-out basis, with three rounds played nationally.
The winners of these national competitions then progress
to the International Final.
Not only do the winning teams come from all over the world
to mingle and compete in the final but so also do some very
Senior Management representatives from many of the companies
that sponsor their National competitions.
The International Final is without equal as a venue for
fostering International friendships at all levels from students,
and managers competing to some of the most senior representatives
of internationally renowned sponsoring organisations.
The following table lists the most recent winners and the country that hosted this latest International Final followed by the 10 most recent International Finals together with the country that emerged as the winners that year:
Click for a Table of Winners countries for all Editions listed by Year of Final.