Table 1 Market Statistics
Managerial/professional households 1m 1m 1m
Supervisory/clerical households 2m 1m 3m
Other households 4m 2m 9m
Total number of households 7m 4m13m
Retail trade outlets 3000 20004000

Table 2 Marketing Costs
Information on competitors' activities£ 4500
Salesperson's quarterly expenses £ 2000

Table 3 Manufacturing Parameters
 Product 1Product 2
Minimum machining time per unit 60 min.120 min.
Assembly time per unit 100 min.300 min.
Material content per unit 1 unit 3 units

Table 4 Maintenance Costs
Contracted maintenance
(12 hours per machine, per quarter)
£ 40 per hour
Uncontracted breakdown repairs
(over 12 hours per machine)
£ 75 per hour

Table 5 Maximum Hours Available per Machine
per Quarter, relative to Shift Level worked
Shift Level Maximum hours per quarter that each machine can work, accumulating hours to each successive level of shift Unskilled workers needed for each machine
1. Single5764
2. Double10688
3. Treble160212

Table 6 Valuation of Rejected Products
Product 1Product 2
Scrap value per product unit £15 £45

Table 7 Guarantee Servicing Charges
Product 1Product 2
Servicing charge per product unit £35 £140

Table 8 Production Costs
Cost of supervision per shift £ 5000
Production overheads, per machine £ 1000
Running cost per machine hour used £ 4
Production planning cost per unit £ 0.50

Table 9 Standard Vehicle Capacity
  Product 1Product 2
Vehicle capacity (product units) 40 20

Table 10 Return Journey Times to
Delivery journey time (in days) 1 2 4

Table 11 Transport Costs
All-in cost of 1 vehicle per day£ 130

Table 12 Warehousing
Fixed quarterly cost of factory warehouse £ 2500
Fixed quarterly administrative cost £ 2000
Variable storage cost in market areas (per product unit) £ 1

Table 13 Calculation of Average Quarterly Stock, and Interest
0.5 x (opening value + closing value)

Table 14 Personnel Department Costs
  Recruitment Dismissal
Salesperson £ 1000£ 3000
Skilled assembly worker£ 750£ 2000
Unskilled machinist £ 500£ 1000

Table 15 Maximum Hours per Quarter for each Production Worker
plus Shift Pay Premiums
Shift Level Hours per worker
at basic rate
Hours per worker
at Saturday rate (Basic + 50%)
Hours per Worker
at Sunday rate
(Basic + 100%)
Shift Premium
1. Single420+ 84+ 72 0
2. Double420+ 42+ 721/3
3. Treble420+ 42+ 722/3

Table 16 Minimum Hours and Pay
Machinist's minimum paid hours per quarter400
Assembly worker's strike hours per week 48
Assembly worker's minimum hours/quarter nil
Ratio of unskilled : skilled rate of pay 65%
Minimum sales salary per quarter £ 1500
Maximum sales commission rate 9%
Management Budget per quarter see Mgt. Report

Table 17Cost of Machines
Total cost of a machine £ 120,000
    Payable at time of order£ 60,000
    Payable on installation £ 60,000
Machine rate of depreciation per quarter 2.50 %

Table 18Method of calculating Overdraft Limit
100% of Cash Invested and the value of Product Stocks
PLUS 50% of the value of Machines and Debtors
PLUS 25% of the value of Property
LESS 100% of Tax Due and Creditors
Note: All of these values are taken from last quarter's Balance Sheet
If the limit calculated above is negative, then the limit is set to 0

Table 19Financial Parameters
Tax Rate per annum 30%
Fixed overheads per quarter £ 6000
Variable overhead rate per quarter 0.25%
Credit control cost per unit sold £ 0.75
Interest Rates:  (based on Central Bank Rate announced last quarter)
  Bank cash deposits bank rate less 2%
  Authorised overdraft bank rate plus 4%
  Unsecured bank loans bank rate plus 10%

Table 20 Product Valuations
  Product 1Product 2
Stock valuation per product unit £45 £130

TABLE 21 Timing of Payments to Creditors

(internal costs and pay omitted)
For goods delivered, or services provided next quarter the charged amount will be paid as follows -
Next Quarter Quarter after Next
Advertising  100 %
Guarantee Servicing  100 %
Hired Transport  100 %
Product Development 100 % 
Personnel Department 100 % 
Maintenance  100 %
Fixed warehousing costs 100% 
Variable stockholding costs  100 %
Business Intelligence  100 %
Other Miscellaneous Overheads100 % 
Raw Materials  100 %
Machines* 50 % 50 %
Interest 100 % 
Note: A 50% deposit is paid next quarter when machines are ordered.
The balance is due when machines are installed in the quarter after next.